
由FVaandrager著作·2022·被引用1次—Weprovideanewperspectiveontheproblemhowhigh-levelstatemachinemodelswithabstractactionscanberelatedtolow-levelmodels.,TheMailingActionCodesfeatureallowsyoutoassignoneormoreidentifyingcodestoprofiles;thesecodesmaythenbeusedtoidentifytheprofileswhenyou ...,ActionCodeisafieldthatwastakenaway.ActionCodetoldtheentirehistoryofanitemfrombeginningtotheend,hereisthecodev...

[2301.00199] Action Codes

由 F Vaandrager 著作 · 2022 · 被引用 1 次 — We provide a new perspective on the problem how high-level state machine models with abstract actions can be related to low-level models.

Mailing Action Codes

The Mailing Action Codes feature allows you to assign one or more identifying codes to profiles; these codes may then be used to identify the profiles when you ...

DPAS SCR: 00468

Action Code is a field that was taken away. Action Code told the entire history of an item from beginning to the end, here is the code value ITRI Transfer In.


This function allows execution of the code without the need for a return value. This allows an action be set within an attribute, and perform that action as ...

Action Code Definition Summary

Action Codes are used to plan things to be done in the future. Events, promises, and file-reviews are scheduled using action codes.

Action codes

Action codes are entered in the input area associated with a field. In summary subpanels, the items in the first column are typically selectable. To view ...